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答题格式 – Communication Formats
Memorandum - 备忘录
Briefing Notes – 简报
Email – 电子邮件
Brief Report – 报告
To:Board of Directors XYZ
Subject:Foreign exchange hedging
Date:14 January 2017
I refer to your email(memorandum, phone call, recent meeting)in which you request. If you require any further information or clarification please let me know.
Issue 1
Issue 2
I hope that this clarifies matters and adequately deals with your request. If you require any further information or clarification please let me know.
Signed:Finance Manager
1. 备忘录是公司内部沟通使用,所以不需要对外沟通文件一样,措辞很正式,你可以写的稍微随意一点。
2. 通常是你对某人要求的答复。
3. 你需要把两个要求分开来写,不要混在一起。
4. 结束语尽量简单,不要写你的真实姓名。
Purpose(The reason or subject of the notes)
This briefing note has been prepared to explain the recommended membership and fundamental reason for a Remuneration Committee under the UK CGC 2014.
Main section(The detail on each topic covered)
1. Membership
Must be composed of indepent NEDs…
2. Fundamental reason
No Director should be involved in deciding his/her own remuneration
It is recommended that the board establishes a Remuneration Committee for the following reasons…
Prepared by: Finance Manager
1. 简报分为三个部分,第一部分为简报的目的,第二部分为答题的核心,即主要内容。最后一部分为结论或者是建议。
2. 如果有两个到三个小题,你需要分开来答。
3. 最后署名财务经理,不要写你的真实姓名。
To:Board of Directors XYZ
From:Finance Manager
Date:14 January 2017
In reply to your email(phone call, meeting etc.)… The following sets out the required information(analysis, calculations, recommendations/reasons etc.)
Main section(The detail on each topic covered)
1. Membership
Must be composed of indepent NEDs…
2. Fundamental reason
No Director should be involved in deciding his/her own remuneration
Any further information/clarification required…
1. 根据您之前给我发的电子邮件(或根据您之前给我打的电话,开的最近的会议讨论结果等等)我接下来写的是。。。
2. 讲义Page10有例子
3. 电子邮件最后 Kind regards(此致敬礼)
Report for Board of directors XYZ plc.
Report title:Foreign exchange hedging
Report for:The Board of Directors
Section(i) - Executive Summary
Section(ii) - Foreign exchange risk
Section(iii)- International Trade risk
Appendix A:Hedging – Financial analysis
Date:14 January 2017
Prepared by:Finance Manager
1. 通常情况下是比较简短的,因为时间有限。
2. 有可能是用于内部沟通,也有可能是用于外部沟通。所以你需要使用更多的专业术语。
3. 报告你需要有个标题,通常你需要说明一下报告是写给谁看的,要有目录页。
4. 如果涉及到比较复杂的计算的话,计算需要写在附录里面。
5. 报告需要加日期和头衔,题目可能会说报告需要保密,如果你需要别人看你的文件,你就应该把保密这个字写上去。
Your name & Your title
1. 首先,你需要说明收信人的姓名地址,发信人的公司信息,地址等等。
2. 如果是商业信函,肯定是对外沟通,你代表公司来发这封信函。
3. 你需要讲讲你的工号,你的公司编号,语言措辞需要非常正式。
4. 最后签字的时候,yours faithfully,中文就是此致敬礼,最后写上你的头衔,不要写署名。
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